What is Guest in Newboard

Understanding Guest Access in Newboard

In Newboard, guest access plays a significant role in facilitating collaboration within workspaces. Guest access enables users to invite individuals to view content within a workspace without providing them with full editing rights. This feature is crucial for maintaining control over workspace content while allowing external stakeholders to participate in the collaboration process.

What is a Guest in Newboard?

A guest in Newboard is someone who has received an invitation to access a workspace but with restricted permissions. Unlike members or admins, guests are limited to view-only access. This means they can explore the content within the workspace but are unable to make any modifications to boards, lists, or bookmarks. Guest accounts are ideal for individuals who need to review or provide feedback on the content without altering it.

Limitations of Guest Access

Guest access in Newboard comes with several limitations to ensure data security and administrative control. Firstly, guests are restricted to view-only access, prohibiting them from making edits or additions to the content. Additionally, certain sections such as Members, Statistics, Activity Log, Trash, or Marketplace are inaccessible to guests, focusing their attention solely on content consumption rather than administrative tasks. While guests can access settings, their capabilities are limited, preventing them from making significant alterations to workspace configurations.

Benefits of Guest Access

Despite its limitations, guest access offers various benefits to workspace owners and members. Guests can collaborate effectively with members by providing feedback on shared content, enabling productive interactions without compromising data integrity. Furthermore, the restricted access ensures privacy and control over workspace content, safeguarding sensitive information from unauthorized modifications. The flexibility of guest access allows workspace owners to involve external stakeholders or clients in viewing specific content, enhancing communication and collaboration without jeopardizing workspace security.

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