Understanding User Roles

Understanding Workspace Roles: Owner, Admin, and Member


No one can remove the owner of a workspace. The owner holds the ultimate authority and control over the workspace. However, if needed, the owner can transfer the ownership to another user, thereby passing on the privileges and responsibilities.


An admin in a workspace has extensive rights and permissions. They can perform most actions within the workspace except managing billing and removing the owner. Admins have access to all boards in the workspace and can also remove other admins. However, they don’t have the power to remove owners. Admins can view everyone’s activity log and have the ability to undo actions.


Members in a workspace have more limited permissions compared to admins. They cannot invite or remove other members from the workspace. While they may not have access to all boards, their access can be restricted to specific boards. Members cannot modify tags or custom fields but can create, edit, and delete boards, folders, lists, and bookmarks. They can move bookmarks within the areas they have access to.

Members have editing permissions for boards and folders and can view everyone’s activity log. However, they can only undo their own actions. When adding a member as an admin, the owner can specify whether billing access should also be granted.

Understanding the roles of workspace members—owners, admins, and regular members—is crucial for smooth collaboration. Clear responsibilities and permissions help everyone contribute effectively toward shared goals.

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